It was his hands that wrote the script, his body that set up shots, blocked his actors, and so forth.

July 6th, 2011 § Comments Off on It was his hands that wrote the script, his body that set up shots, blocked his actors, and so forth. § permalink

“Inside the Box: Notes From Within the European Artistic Research Debate”

Michael Baers, e-flux

About As the Academy Turns, Tion Ang’s telenovela-style video about the contemporary art academy.

Bodily processes and states can be inspected by external observations.

July 1st, 2011 § Comments Off on Bodily processes and states can be inspected by external observations. § permalink

“Ghosts in Machine” entry in Wikipedia.

More: “Thus a person’s bodily life is as much a public affair as are the lives of animals. But minds do not exist in space, nor are their operation subject to mechanical laws. The workings of the mind are not witnessable by other observers; its career is private. A person therefore lives through two collateral histories: one consisting of what happens to and with the body (public); the other consisting of what happens to and in the mind (private). However, the problem with this theory is that in order for this to happen there would have to be a division in reality where the mind is not governed by mechanical laws. This creates a dichotomy as reality can not be divided and nothing can exist outside of reality.”

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