Putting on the ritz

May 26th, 2015 § Comments Off on Putting on the ritz § permalink



Alexsandra Domanovic

It was his hands that wrote the script, his body that set up shots, blocked his actors, and so forth.

July 6th, 2011 § Comments Off on It was his hands that wrote the script, his body that set up shots, blocked his actors, and so forth. § permalink

“Inside the Box: Notes From Within the European Artistic Research Debate”

Michael Baers, e-flux

About As the Academy Turns, Tion Ang’s telenovela-style video about the contemporary art academy.

The great majority of artists, today, choreographers, painters, videomakers, try to expose the secret of bodies, of the desiring and machinic lives of bodies. It is the global trend of arts which proposes us a body art… They all impose upon the visible the hard relationship of bodies to the great and indifferent noise of the universe.

September 9th, 2006 § Comments Off on The great majority of artists, today, choreographers, painters, videomakers, try to expose the secret of bodies, of the desiring and machinic lives of bodies. It is the global trend of arts which proposes us a body art… They all impose upon the visible the hard relationship of bodies to the great and indifferent noise of the universe. § permalink

“Bodies, Languages Truths”
Alain Badiou’s lecture delivered at the Victoria College of Arts, University of Melbourne, Sept 9th, 2006.

The entire series of spasms in Bacon is of this type: scenes of love, of vomiting and excreting, in which the body attempts to escape from itself through one of its organs in order to rejoin the field or material structure.

January 1st, 2003 § Comments Off on The entire series of spasms in Bacon is of this type: scenes of love, of vomiting and excreting, in which the body attempts to escape from itself through one of its organs in order to rejoin the field or material structure. § permalink

“Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation”

Giles Deleuze, University of Minnesota Press, 2003, page 12.

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