Indeed, we must no longer try to situate passion in a casual succession, or halfway between the corporeal and the spiritual; passion indicates, at a new, deeper level, that the soul and the body are in perpetual metaphorcal relation… soul and body are always each other’s immediate expression.

January 3rd, 1700 Comments Off on Indeed, we must no longer try to situate passion in a casual succession, or halfway between the corporeal and the spiritual; passion indicates, at a new, deeper level, that the soul and the body are in perpetual metaphorcal relation… soul and body are always each other’s immediate expression.

“Madness & Civilization”

Michel Foucault, Random House, 1965 page 88.

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You are currently reading Indeed, we must no longer try to situate passion in a casual succession, or halfway between the corporeal and the spiritual; passion indicates, at a new, deeper level, that the soul and the body are in perpetual metaphorcal relation… soul and body are always each other’s immediate expression. at Ghosts in Machine.
